A country mess

A country mess

Created by: [email protected]
countrypopsadfemale voice

Music Images

Lyrics / Prompt

I don't wanna be here cause I can't stand to be near you not after what you've done. You tipped me over fucked me up and screwed me over. I can't forgive for what you've done. Said you did it for fun but look what you did. Mama I'm calling I'm coming home soon for my 16th birthday can you light a fuse I'll tell daddy exactly what he did so he can beat him up and send me a pic I'm calling today maybe tomorrow I'll be there in may maybe you'll buy a cake cause I can't do it anymore I can't be here not after what he's done. He tipped me over fucked me up and screwed me over. Sent the pictures to everyone even the book club. 
